Thursday, July 18, 2013

Obama received Noble Peace Prize!?!?For What?!?! What a FCKEN Joke!

Obama is certainly not a man of peace. In fact, whilst receiving the peace prize, several air-strikes of Pakistani targets were underway- air-strikes that he authorized! The truth of the matter is that Obama is a huge Capitalist cock-sucker, a war-monger, and Curious George look-a-like.
Where are we getting the money for this new war with Libya? Oh yeah, I forgot- YOU AND ME. The U.S. government demands our tax dollars so that we can help finance air-raids against brown people. Well I’m fed up with having to pay for this kind of bulls**t- and I may just wind up in a jail cell someday soon because I’m about to claim myself as “tax exempt” (like all the religious nut-cases are able to do).
I love watching how hard-core Democrats struggle to justify the bombing of Libya. Supplant Obama with George Bush and there would be rioting in the streets over this latest act of U.S. aggression! By all means, I simply recognize the truth- that the U.S. President, Democrat or Republican, is a pawn to international bankers who will stop at nothing until the entire planet belongs to them in one form or the other.
And whilst Barry Obama authorizes a ground assault in Libya, Americans sit at home watching “the big game”, fiddling around with their weiners. Thank you, America for your efforts at keeping our leaders in check :)

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