In an interview with radio host Alex Jones, of InfoWars, Paul - who is a physician by trade and has recently launched his own radio and television network - said he sees the "bust coming soon."
"They're (Washington collectively) not going to work their way out of it, so it's just (all) going to collapse," he said. "Let's just keep working on the fact that, when we get around to rebuilding this whole entire system, that we do it the way it was intended originally, and actually improve upon it."
Less government, more freedom
Continuing, Paul said, "I think the concept of liberty has advanced even since the time of the founders, but we've regressed so desperately far from what they intended... I think we should anticipate that, you know, in the future, in the next several years, you're going to see a big, big collapse, and then we have to talk about what kind of a monetary policy, why we need to bring our troops home, why we have to quit expanding the deficit every day, and raising these debt limits, planning on total, socialized medicine - that all has to end, and it's going to end because it's going to fail. I think we should anticipate that, and look at it as an opportunity..."
He added, "Less government and more freedom is what we need."
Jones noted that many people believe the US is headed for history's dustbin and that the country is currently in a death spiral, of sorts. Only question now, he says, is when - and how it will happen.
"It's hard to predict the timing," Paul said, "but I think I agree with the assessment that it will end... I look at it like a building standing [with] no foundation. It's sort of sitting there and wobbling, but it hasn't crashed, and I think it will, because you know, the financial system is so unstable, it's totally based on debt, and confidence in the dollar and confidence in the [Federal Reserve], that they'll always print the right amount of money and they'll always keep the interest rates right, and they'll always bail out everybody that needs bailed out - which I think is a total hoax..."
Paul says that the "big event could occur next week, it could occur in five years from now," but especially whenever the dollar is no longer credible as a reserve - or primary - currency.
The physician-lawmaker also said recent polling showing a distinct lack of trust by the American people in their government was "a good thing."
"Because that means that now they'll quit believing the government," he told Jones. "I mean, they don't trust the government, they don't believe the government, the government always lies to them... whether its foreign policy or domestic policy."
'We're probably about in 1987...'
He referenced recent testimony by the nation's spy chiefs, in which they appear to have lied about the NSA's massive theft of Americans' phone data, as well as the existence of the program in the first place.
Paul said "the system" we live in "was always assumed to be much healthier than it is today."
"But," he continued, "just think how quickly the Soviet system disappeared. I think that was the greatest miracle, or event at least, in the twentieth century" that nobody saw coming.
"You know, the day before, the month before, the year before, if someone would have said, 'Oh, you know, next year,' the Soviet system would be gone, everybody would have considered that person nuts. But it was fragile, and it fell apart, and quickly, and thank goodness we didn't have to have a nuclear war in order to get rid of the Soviet system.
"We're probably in 1987, where the Soviets were in '87, in two years they were gone," he said.
Department of Monitoring
Kavkaz Center
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