World Bank Whistleblower and lawyer, Karen Hudes, affirmed that ALL paper currency is on the brink of complete collapse, as world leaders are scrambling to make the transition into a new currency as smoothly and quickly as possible.
Hudes made these statements during an interview with Project Camelot's Kerry Cassidy.
After working for 20 years in the legal department for the World Bank, Hudes decided to blow the
One of her discoveries involves the manipulation of the stock market. "The entire stock market is totally gamed because what they have done is they have taken the same directors (of the groups that have dominated the stock market) and they have put them on the board. So that's how you had this collusion on the LIBOR interest rate."
Since blowing the whistle on the World Bank. Hudes affirmed that those in control of the World Bank, board members of the stock exchange and the Federal Reserve have been in panic mode in recent days.
"This system only thrives in secret and the cat is out of the bag. At the moment, they are scurrying around like cockroaches."
Hudes information comes right after an astonishing revelation by Fortune 500 businessman, Bix Weir, who stated all debts will be forgiven as world leaders are scrambling to put together an asset based currency.
see All Debt To Be Erased Within The Next Few Months
Those who control the money are trying to start World War III, according to Hudes, because the banksters always win during times of war. She added their main plot is to keep us in subservience.
Despite these plans, Hudes stated that she has spoken to major shareholders who do not want to have World War III and are in favor of rule of law.
Those who have been responsible for crimes against humanity will inevitably be held accountable for their actions.
"We are talking about the World Bank whistleblowers walking right back into the World Bank and we are talking about all of the information that we have being used to hold the people who have been holding the world hostage... holding THEM accountable."
Cassidy asked, "How close do you think you are at this point?"
Hudes: "We are so close, Kerry. We are just days away if less, because we also have a deadline. there's something called permanent gold degradation. That is that all of this paper currency that these bankers have been churning out and the people have to pay interest on rather than their treasury issuing the currency... people are losing confidence in this currency (ALL currency)."
In regard to precious metals such as gold and silver, Hudes stated that soon, you won't be able to buy them because the paper currency will be worthless. "People are starting to horde gold because they are afraid that the paper money, the fiat money is worthless. At a certain point, you will not be able to buy any gold at any price using fiat currency."
In order to overcome the current financial system, Hudes recommends that we need a currency that is back by precious metals or some other valuable commodity along with a systematic way of retiring the current fiat paper.
One concern is doing this in a way that does not cause panic.
The major player in all of this is the Vatican and more specifically, the Jesuits.
"The Vatican is the crown and the IRS money is flowing to them. It's an unholy alliance. At this point, we've kicked them out... they're scrambling. They have lost. they are not in control." To be
To Hudes understanding, the corporation of each state and Washington DC have been dissolved, as virtually all IRS revenue had been going to the Vatican with a small amount going to the Bank Of England, while none of it went towards the running of the United States.
Hudes expects that there will be more and more state banks with asset based currencies which will swiftly put an end to the current fiat currency in the United States while the US Treasury will once again start issuing US Dollars instead of the Federal Reserve, adding, "The Fed's days are really numbered. All of this is going to going forward very, very quickly. We're also going to have to think about how are we going to be retiring these banks. We have to find ways to smooth the transition."
As stated previously on In5D, whether or not the banking collapse happens in the near future remains to be seen. What we already know is that our current system is unsustainable and its collapse it's inevitable. It's only a matter of time.
Copyright Information: Copyright in5d and Gregg Prescott, M.S.. This content may be freely reproduced in full or in part in any form.
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