Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Bill Gates Oral Polio Vaccine Cripples 47,500 Children

1. It is a known fact now that Bill Gates sponsored Polio program is extremely controversial and is alleged to have serious side affects where children from the poorest countries are being used as lab pigs for testing the side effects.

2. CIA has been using the Polio campaign to launch their own espionage and spying network in the country. The OBL raid and subsequent arrest of Dr. Afridi has confirmed this fact that this WHO program is seriously managed by CIA to gain door to door access in Pakistan.

3. No one in the Health Ministry or the WHO has ever bothered to explain why multiple campaign of Polio drops are being conducted giving multiple doses to the same children???? what would be the side affects of such multiple doses? what is the actual duration of the course if any?

4. This is a known fact that Henry Kissinger had launched a "Food genocide" plan in 1974, under which population of many countries was to be drastically reduced. Pakistan was one of the countries. How can we be sure that this present campaign against Polio is not part of biological war program against Pakistan?

5. Has any Lab in Pakistan tested the Polio vaccine???/ Any reports for public scrutiny???

We would strongly urge the government to clear the above confusions in the hearts and minds of the people which are making them paranoid to the extent that they are now assassinating innocent health workers. So far, the actions of the regime are only increasing the suspicion, not helping to remove them.

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