Friday, June 14, 2013

English Defence League - Tommy Robinson interviewed on Fox News by Bill O'Reilly

Tommy Robinson, who co-founded something called the English Defence League. He gets beat up a lot in the British press — and in person, as you’ll see — for speaking his mind about the spread of Islamic ideology throughout Britain.
He’s been branded a racist and a bigot and a hatemonger because he disagrees with an ideology. Because he believes that when you move to another country, you should assimilate into that country’s culture instead of trying to supplant it with your own. People from all over the world move to the UK and add to the country’s culture, without giving up their beliefs or sense of self-identity. And they think of themselves as Britons. Because they are. (You can listen to Robinson talking about this a few weeks ago, right after the savage beheading of a British soldier in the streets of London by rhetoric-spouting jihadis, here. It’s half an hour, but it’s well worth listening to every word.)
I missed Robinson when he was on “The Factor” the other night, because he was on “The Factor.” But here he is, and I think he states his case well:

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